A Letter

Hi Mum:

Just a quick note to share some pictures of your great-granddaughters. You may not remember them too clearly – you were forgetting quite a lot there at the end – but that’s Jaia on the left and Naomi on the right. I went to their second birthday party this weekend and, of course, they got a pile of stuff. It’s fascinating to see them grow up: they are now walking and talking in phrases, some of which I understand.

Here’s a picture of your new great-grandson Elias. He was born August 12. This is an unusual picture of him since he is usually nursing or sleeping. Or screaming. He does that a bit too. The girls adore him and are very protective of their little brother. It may not always be so …

This coming weekend is Remembrance Day, and I am hoping to visit Mount Pleasant cemetery for the Air Force service. I went last year – which may have been a special anniversary of some sort – and it was very moving. After that, I will probably swing by the family plot to say hello to you and all the other Air Force types in the family. When I think of the sacrifices you and Dad made – that so many people have made – I might even have a little cry like I did last year…

I miss you, and think of you a lot. Much love.


PS. I was a bit late getting out of the apartment and decided not to go to the service but instead went straight to the family plot. As I was arriving there, a Canadian Forces C130 transport came through just above the tree tops. It was there for the service, but it really felt like a private fly-past for all the Kent air force types.